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Why The Consortium?

Functional | Flexible

We partnered with market-leading networks, and we maintain the flexibility to bring your own network to ensure the greatest fit. With routine plan reporting to employers, we bring all the best-in-industry, proven strategies together for an industry-first health plan. 

Smart Spending | Strategic Care

The public needed a strategy that brought employers together promoting long-term stability in their premium rates. So, we partnered with the best-in-the-business to bring unparalleled level of benefits at the lowest possible cost. Not only is our plan insured AND refundable, but we also work exclusively with progressive thinking agents around the country who will offer unbiased account-based advice in the best interest of their clients.

Backing Statistics

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, since 2010, average family premiums have increased 55%, which is at least twice as fast as wages (27%) and inflation (19%).Our strategy reduces premiums by 15% on average, while also saving 43% on pharmacy claims, paying medical claims with 70% or greater discounts, as well as other member saving opportunities. 

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